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I can feel his cock bulging as we move together to the music. He looks at me and I smile,he want's to know if he could take me home and I tell him that wouldn't be fair to my date. And he replies,"baby I could fuck you way better than him". I smile and say "Oh Yeah?" "I think you would be surprised by me". The song ends and Igive him a peck on the cheek and say thank's and walk back to my table. My date asked me how the dance was and I told him that I was horny and that guy wanted to fuck me. My date surprised me when he said "you should let him". We sit there for a few minutes drinking our drinks and chatting and laughing with people as they walk by. The next slow song comes on and my first dance partner returns and asks for another dance,which I oblige. As we dance,he once again grinds himself into me and I lean into his head and whisper in his ear,"If you have a car outside I take care of that for you". He stands back a bit and says "what about your boyfriend?" and I tell him. I loved him licking my ass and fingering it.One night when he came to my room he brought Jimmy. "Now it is time to teach jimmy to fuck baby." He then undressed jimmy and showed me his cock. For a young boy his cock hung half way down to his knees. Daddy picked it up and began to stroke it til it got hard. Then he rubbed Jimmy's ass. "Now son, you are going to learn to fuck your sister with that big cock you have. Look at her nice tits and her sweet pussy." "Baby spread your legs wide and show your brother that cunt of your so he can fuck it with my help." I spread my legs and daddy brought Jimmy down between them and held his cock as he moved it to the entrance to my cunt. "Now push your cock in her and fuck like you have seen the a****ls do it." Jimmy pushed in to my cunt as daddy watched us fuck. "Now fuck harder, Jimmy." "Pound that pussy til you fill her with your cum." Jimmy was a fast learner and soon he was fucking me and then filled me with his cum. "You two did good. You.
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